The Vision
Created to fill a specific need, South Baldwin helps to make your life easier and more fulfilling through charitable activities and educational works. We stress the importance of the study of foundational Biblical truths for guiding our spirtual lifes.
The Church
South Baldwin is staffed by likekind believers, who are devoted to Biblical doctrine research and teaching. Through research reports and revivals we seek to improve the understandings of the Proverbs, while teaching lifeskills. We've expanded our organizational points of contact to include this Web site so that our followers can enjoy convenient access to information, new research and ideas, as well as a place to network with others who have similar interests. (Please see "Let's Talk.")
Charity Policy
Because of life's many uncertainties, South Baldwin Ministries has adopted a charity policy to allow all interested people the opportunity to receive the Message of South Baldwin Ministries Free along with downloadable educational materials. Also available is discounted publications and easy reading lectures. But most importantly, South Baldwin, through its spring jubilee garden plots, offers free access to various parcels of land so followers and believers of all walks of life, may participate in the growing of their own foods for substance. Our Charity Policy is essential to many who would not have the opportunity to experience the wonders o f God and his bounty.
Open-Access Policy
South Baldwin Ministries is committed to offerring an open door policy, for all who wish to engage in the message the proverbs and be guided by their directions. To learn more, attend one of our gatherings or email us at